Many international businesses believe that advertising in China requires establishing a physical presence within the country. However, the process is much simpler than commonly believed.

In this article, we will walk you through the account opening process on Baidu, which is crucial for effectively targeting Chinese audiences.

Baidu Advertising Eligibility

Expanding into the Chinese market with Baidu PPC advertising is simpler than many believe, even for legitimate foreign businesses. Despite common misconceptions, you don’t need a registered office, hosting in China, or a fully translated website. However, an “About Us” page in Chinese is necessary for the application, and having site content in the local language is highly recommended for better results. Plus, you don’t need a Chinese bank account.

Baidu PPC Advertising Account Opening Paperwork Required

In China, advertising platforms are required to verify advertisers’ entity information as per local advertising regulations. This comprehensive verification process ensures that internet users are protected from online fraud and helps to create a trustworthy advertising environment. Although it might be seen as an additional step, it ultimately results in a safer and more transparent online space, which benefits both businesses and consumers. Certain paperwork must be prepared to advertise on Baidu in line with these regulations.

Baidu PPC Advertising

1. Incorporate Certificate 

The application requires a digital copy of the original business registration or incorporation certificate, such as the UK incorporation certificate.

2. Translation of Incorporate Certificate

A translated version of the business registration document in Simplified Chinese must be submitted to complete the process.

3. Business Registration Status

To verify the business registration status, you must provide a screenshot from a government or authority website, such as UK Companies House, showing that your business is active. Also, a translated copy of the document in simplified Chinese is required.

4. Domain Information

Baidu requires advertisers to verify their domain information, including submitting a screenshot of their website with the URL visible on the screen.

5. Business Name and Address

Baidu mandates advertisers verify their business by providing supporting documents such as bank statements, bank remittances, or cheques showing the business name and address. You can mask the details if you’re concerned about revealing confidential information. Baidu will only verify that the business name and address provided match the ones presented on your website.

6. More Documents May Be Required

Certain industries, like banking, finance, travel, airlines, and healthcare, may require additional documents, such as finance licenses or IATA certificates, to verify their credentials for Baidu PPC. However, industries such as gambling, medical services, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs are outright banned from advertising on Baidu due to legal and regulatory considerations.

Baidu PPC Advertising

Account Application Lead Time and Fees

Opening a Baidu account usually takes 5-7 days upon submission of all necessary documents. However, for specific industries, the process may take longer. Additionally, search engine charges for censorship are typically nominal and incurred annually, similar to those on other advertising or social media platforms in China.

Embarking on Baidu advertising can be a great way to reach a large audience in China, but it can be tricky to navigate without proper guidance. So, if you’re interested in getting started with Baidu advertising, don’t hesitate to contact us for further assistance and support.

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