Baidu, the largest Chinese-language search engine in the world, holds over 70% market share in China and boasts a staggering 600 million monthly active users. As a crucial platform for digital marketing in China, Baidu offers comprehensive commercialisation tools that cover every marketing scene and ensure that advertising content reaches the target audience efficiently and accurately. In this article, we will introduce Baidu DMP – Guan Xing Pan.

Guan Xing Pan, Baidu’s Data Management Platform, provides a holistic solution for businesses to harness the power of big data from Baidu and other sources. With access to a wealth of user data and labels, Guanxingpan enables enterprises to choose an industry or brand-specific audience labels and create tailored audience segments to meet diverse campaign requirements, resulting in increased return on investment (ROI).

Baidu DMP: Guan xing pan

Additionally, Guan Xing Pan offers valuable insights into the local market landscape, industry trends, and competitive differentiators. These invaluable insights empower businesses to make informed decisions and drive growth within the Chinese market.

In-Depth Industry Audience Analysis 

Guan Xing Pan provides an extensive examination of user profiles across diverse industries. It goes beyond traditional data dimensions like gender and location and delves deep into users’ interests, preferences, and the mobile apps they engage with. Moreover, it can identify specific life stages of users, such as pregnancy, unemployment, or having children aged one to three. This powerful functionality allows enterprises to gain profound insights into their target audience’s characteristics and preferences, enabling accurate and targeted audience segmentation.

Baidu DMP: Guan xing pan

Baidu DMP – Brand Analysis

Guan Xing Pan offers a robust tool for enterprises to gain deep insights into their brand’s search share, consumer characteristics, and decision preferences. This valuable information allows them to gain a comprehensive understanding of their brand’s performance and its relationship with competing products across multiple dimensions.

Baidu DMP – Industry Traffic Analysis

By leveraging the capability to analyze search trends within specific industries, brands can unlock valuable insights into high-search volume keywords within a defined timeframe. This includes identifying emerging search terms and terms that have experienced a surge in search volume. By harnessing this feature, brands are equipped to conduct more strategic keyword research and enhance the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.

Baidu DMP: Guan xing pan
Baidu DMP: Guan xing pan

With Guanxingpan’s robust integration with the Baidu Advertising platform, businesses gain a competitive edge by leveraging tailored audience groups created within the platform. This enables precise targeting and management of PPC ads, ensuring maximum impact for every campaign. By utilizing Guan Xing Pan’s rich data resources, businesses can optimize their marketing strategies and drive exceptional results.

Speak to us to discuss how to use Guan Xing Pan to empower your business!

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