In our last blog post ‘WeChat and Weixin‘, we have compared the differences between the two networks on WeChat and explained how important it is to get a WeChat account that covers the domestic network for your marketing project in China. Self-service is clearly not a valid option for the situation for the overseas market. We highlighted how WeChat advertising is essential for businesses targeting the Chinese market, emphasizing that self-service isn’t viable for the overseas market.

However, despite how complicated it looks like, you may have noticed that many foreign businesses opened their accounts and started to use WeChat account to target Chinese consumers. It may leave you bewildered. How did they manage to do that?

How to Open an Official WeChat Account 

Tencent is always interested in the overseas market and there were some deployments in the last a few years. 

Now it is possible to open the account with your business entity outside of China. However, Tencent wants to be more selective so the precondition is to invest in WeChat advertising.

Taking UK market as an example, it is possible to open a WeChat account that covers the domestic users with a minimum advertising spending of £6,000. Bear in mind, altogether WeChat (domestic and overseas) has 1 billion active users on a monthly basis, without careful planning, the budget can be depleted within hours and left advertisers no time to work on any optimization. A budget of £15,000 may last for a week.

WeChat advertising

?WeChat Advertising Options

Since advertising investment is inevitable,  it is important to know your options for WeChat advertising. Let us take a look.

There are three options for WeChat advertising at the moment.

  • Official Account Banner Ads
  • Moment Ads (in users’ news feed)
  • Mini Programme Ads

The official account banner ads will appear at the bottom of articles by other WeChat official accounts.

The WeChat moment ads will appear in users’ news feeds, just like that on Facebook. While they check what their friends are up to, they will also see your ad. It can be images or a video.

Mini programme advertising is a new WeChat advertising product launched in 2018, thanks to the growth of mini programme project.

WeChat advertising
WeChat Mini Programme Ad

Need some inspiration for WeChat advertising? We selected two examples from the top 10 users most favourite WeChat ads in 2017.?

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